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- Nick Bruel
Bad Kitty Does Not Like Candy
Bad Kitty Does Not Like Candy Read online
Kitty is hungry.
Here is some fish, Kitty.
Kitty does not want fish.
Here is some beef, Kitty.
Kitty does not want beef.
What do you want, Kitty?
Kitty wants
You cannot have candy, Kitty.
Candy is not good for cats.
Here is some moose, Kitty.
Kitty does not want moose.
Kitty wants candy.
Here is some walrus, Kitty.
Kitty does not want walrus.
Kitty wants candy.
Kitty has never eaten
candy before.
So, why does Kitty
want candy?
Because Kitty thinks the candy
looks very sweet and tasty.
Kitty does not want just a little candy.
Kitty wants to eat all of the
candy in the WORLD!
Here is a turnip, Kitty.
Kitty REALLYdoes not want a turnip.
Kitty REALLY wants candy.
Now Kitty is angry.
Kitty decides to TAKE the candy!
Kitty eats the candy anyway.
The candy is sweet. The candy is tasty.
The candy is also sticky.
The candy is VERY sticky.
Kitty’s mouth is stuck!
She cannot open her mouth!
We told you candy is not good for cats, Kitty.
Now we have to brush your teeth.
Sometimes, Kitty, you can be a very bad kitty.
Kitty is still hungry.
Now, do you want fish, Kitty?
Yes! Kitty likes fish! Kitty likes fish a lot!
Kitty does not
like candy.
Imprints of Macmillan
175 Fifth Avenue • New York, NY 10010
Copyright © 2015 by Nick Bruel • Special thanks to Rob Steen • All rights reserved.
Printed in China by Toppan Leefung Printing Ltd., Dongguang City, Guangdong Province
Square Fish and the Square Fish logo are trademarks of Macmillan and are used by Roaring Brook Press under license from Macmillan.
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Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress
First Square Fish Edition: 2015
Book designed by Kristie Radwilowicz
Square Fish logo designed by Filomena Tuosto
eISBN 978-1-250-08616-7
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For Adelaide,
who does like candy
Nick Bruel, Bad Kitty Does Not Like Candy
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